MajuLab, International Joint Research Unit UMI 3654

CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, Sorbonne Université,
National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University

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MajuLab DAY 2019

1 March 2019

MajuLab DAY 2019

A MajuLab Day was organized in order to discuss and share about the decisions made by the Scientific Committee held in January 2019.

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Merlion Funding for Martial Duchamp's team

4 February 2019

Merlion Funding for Martial Duchamp’s team

Martial Duchamp, one of MajuLab’s PI, was awarded with one Merlion Projects from the French Embassy

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MajuLab Scientific Committee Visit to NTU and NUS

22 January 2019

MajuLab Scientific Committee Visit to NTU and NUS

Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th January 2019; 2 days Scientific Committee meeting @NUS & @NTU.

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Nature Communications publication by David Wilkowski's group - CQT//NTU

3 October 2018

Nature Communications publication by David Wilkowski’s group - CQT//NTU

Experiments reveal new potential for cold atoms in quantum simulation Behaviour akin to a Foucault’s pendulum makes it possible to study fundamental phenomena in quantum physics

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2018- Quantum Technology ApéroScience

23 February 2018

2018- Quantum Technology ApéroScience

MajuLab organized, along with USPC-NUS & CNRS, a special informal session about Quantech on Wednesday, January 17th 2018.

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